Saturday, February 29, 2020
#1English Civil War and Glorious Revolution Senten Essays - Royalty
#1English Civil War and Glorious Revolution Sentence Sort Directions: Using pages 420-430 and 486-489, put the following events in proper chronological order. Then, use the blank paper provided to create an illustrated timeline of the English Civil War and Glorious Revolution. You may not have dates for all events, but should put them on the timeline in the order in which they occurred. Your timeline should include all of the information listed below and at least 10 color illustrations of the events of your choice. Due: Nov 6 6. Charles I clashed with dissenters, Prides Purge (or Protestants called Puritans who wanted to "purify" the Church of England). 1648 7. Supporters of the king, called Cavaliers, and supporters of Parliament and Puritanism, called Roundheads, clash and fight a Civil War. 1642-49 19. John Locke's Second Treatise of Civil Government, defends the Glorious Revolution. Government is a contract between the ruled and the ruler for protection of life, liberty and property. 1689 2. Henry VIII broke with the Roman Catholic Church and asked Parliament to approve the Act of Supremacy making him the head of the Church of England. 8. The Rump Parliament and Oliver Cromwell condemned the king to death as a "tyrant, traitor, murderer and public enemy". Charles I is executed on January 30, 1649. 3. Elizabeth I creates the Anglican Church, and worked with Parliament making "Good Queen Bess" a popular ruler. She tolerates the Puritans. 15. James II, who inherited the throne, are Catholic supporters and try to become absolute monarchs, grants religious freedom to all and attempts to rule without Parliament. He has an infant son. 9. Thomas Hobbes publishes Leviathan, which argues that human beings are selfish, and limited. Therefore, they need to enter into a political contract that creates a commonwealth controlled by a sovereign who will protect them. "Do not that to another which you would not have done to yourself." 1651 5. 1640-1660 The Long Parliament ignores Bishop Laud and Charles, they imprison Laud (and execute him), abolish the Star Chamber, and insist that taxes can only be levied with their permission. 17. William and Mary have to accept the English Bill of Rights 1689, which clearly established Parliament's power to make laws, levy taxes and consent when a king wanted to raise an army. It guarantees the independence of the judiciary, and the sole power of Parliament to make laws and open debate. Grants all Protestants freedom of religion. 1. The Magna Carta laid the foundation for English rights, where the king needed to consult with Parliament regarding common laws. 20. Political parties, the Whigs and the Tories emerge to protect the policies of the Glorious Revolution. They support business interest and religious toleration. They sought to preserve order. 13 Parliament restores the monarchy, after Cromwell dies, known as "The Restoration". Charles II returns from France and freedoms are returned to the English people. 10. Cromwell dissolves the Rump Parliament and establishes a military dictatorship, naming himself "Protector," and insisting that the revolution was good and he will protect the people. 1649-1653 14. Charles II passes the Test Act and engages in secret negotiations with Louis XIV 16. In 1688, William and Mary "invade" England and become king and queen with no bloodshed. This is the Glorious Revolution. 20. Robert Walpole becomes the first prime minister, and becomes the confidant of George I of the Hanover's. 12. Cromwell dies in 1658, and former Cavaliers are able to return to politics. 18. England becomes a limited or constitutional monarchy, and the divine- right theory is destroyed. 11. Cromwell becomes the leader of the new Commonwealth, he establishes the Protectorate. Puritan beliefs are forced upon the English people, the press is censored, theaters are closed, and elections are cancelled. 1653-1658 MILITARY DICTATORSHIP 4. James I or James IV of Scotland becomes King of England, he angers the Puritans when he disagrees with their Millenary Petition ( " bishops, no king.), issues The King James Bible, supported absolute monarchy and some people felt he was pro-Catholic
Thursday, February 13, 2020
Commerce Bank Case - research paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Commerce Bank Case - - Research Paper Example Secure infrastructure for financial transaction over wireless network can be possible only if the commerce bank initiates security measures through the enrollment of one-time password system and making engagement with gateway Internet service provider by establishing proper service level agreements. Moreover, the commerce banks should adhere with the international regulations and standards companies as well as governments such as Internet Retailers Association. The commerce bank case is therefore going to analyze the core problem facing banking system and better suggestive ways to curb this issue for better managerial perception in banking service operations. Introduction Service operations management is one of the exercises delivered in a management system of a given company as a supply chain that intersect business operation towards the customer and the actual sales. Through optimizing service-intensive supply, high performance service is realized. In line of business service opera tions management must accommodate any prevailing inconsistent and arising uncertain demand to eliminate flaws in business supply chain. For an effective service operation management to incur, the management should establish customer satisfaction by reducing obsolescence costs, enhancing inventory levels and minimizing technician visits through proper planning. However, balancing and optimizing service levels as well as costs delivers extensive and sustainable gain over the competitors (Clark & Johnston, 2008). Objective The objective of this case assignment is to establish the main problem facing the proper operation of commerce bank at large. However, the case study will analyze possible problems encountered during Service Operations Management within this commerce bank cases study. The level of service operations within the commerce bank has drastically been affected, leading to the need of security aspect to be taken into consideration since; the business works hand in hand with money matters and therefore the need of high profile security is needed. The issue of e-commerce relies on the computer security and Data security components for its operational service due to Privacy issue in the banking system. This translates to security issue specifically to oversee how the security affects banking system and the need for restraining this facet at large. Problem Statement The main problem facing the commerce bank in general is the issue of security incurred in its operational management. For these subsidiary branches to communicate well and do its financial transactions, security issue plays a bigger role. Communication channels become one of the vital components in this operation as far commerce bank issue if availed. The main issue in this commerce bank case study is to establish the core problem facing commerce banking system and suggest or make a clear recommendation on how this problem can be eliminated for effectiveness to prevail within the banking system strategies. Security The problems facing the commerce bank is therefore the availability of resources, the services provided by the banking system and the security on regards to online transaction processes. According to the report from the American banking system, 60 percent of the problems facing banking system has been indicated to represent security concerns while 30 percent for quality service and the remaining 10
Saturday, February 1, 2020
SEMAI OF MALAYSIA Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
SEMAI OF MALAYSIA - Research Paper Example The Semai of Malaysia is unique in a way from other groups or tribes of the American society. What make them different are their beliefs, kinship and health issues; these aspects have made them to survive for many years in this dynamic world. It is believed that the Semai tribe is what remained from the original ancient populations of South East Asia, who then belong to the Senoi ethnic groups. The lands in Malaysia are fertile and productive; this has made the Semai society to practice horticulture- planting crops in their fertile lands. In the recent times, the indigenous community has been made to shift to Malaysia hills and mountains by powerful technologies and peoples. But at times,the Semai community practice a mixed system of arboriculture, shifting cultivations, hunting and gathering. In general they practice hunting and horticultural farming. The main crop that is grown by Semai of Malaysia is rice; at times they plant arrow roots, grapes and corns in their farms. The Semai community is living in densely forested mountains. The horticulture they practice is non- mechanized, that is non-intensive form of plant cultivation performed non- repetitively on a plot of land. The Semai people live in ‘Kampangs’ (close villages) close to their farms and during planting seasons they head back to the forest to go and hunt for the rest of the year. They have low population densities, which has made them to be scattered in different parts of the huge farms and be able to practice shifting cultivation. When such horticultural factors are done, the families are grouped in scattered clusters moving from one location to another. They are known by anthropologists for their behaviour which is non- aggressiveness and a version to interpersonal violence of any kind. The relationship is that married men do not batter their wives, nor beat their parents. Children are not allowed to engage in activities like fights, physical assaults and murder which are virtually unknown to the community. In moving the horticulturalists are immobile as forages that may control rearing among is not a strict within their culture as is with forages. Majority of the children help their parents with providing labour in the fields enhancing productivity (Fix, 1990). The Semai community practice what is referred to as generalized reciprocity which means they can exchange goods and services without having any track or measurements of the exact value of what they have traded with an assumption that the transaction will balance itself in some time to come. This act of generalized reciprocity happens between parents and children, or between couples, or in advanced stages involving clans and large kin groups. This is a formal way of exchange that involves total trust and minimal distance between the two parties. For the Semai community, the main reason for eating is to make one feel full and satisfied. The meal to be eaten should include starch dish which is preferably rice. Eating meat, fowls or fish without any starch is ridiculous to them. The other economic activities include fishing, hunting and gathering. They use weapons for hunting such as, blow pipes and poisonous darts. They also use ‘rattan’ (climbing palms in forests) to make binders, house building, basketry, fish-traps others .(Norwak & Laird, 2010). 2.1Beliefs and values The Semai’s beliefs and values are enshrined in their religion, which embraces of belief on the forest and natural spirituality; a kind of animism. Animism involves traditions of thunder god called â€Å"Enku†which is associated with other kind of animals like a small eye less snake, beings working hand in hand with god, dragons that are present during thunder squalls associated with rainbows. Other animals include a flying animal with feathers and those with rounded scales and moist skins living inside or near water bodies (Dentan, 1983).
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